Corporate Training


Transform team building & leadership development into extraordinary, unforgettable personal encounters.

It’s a familiar experience. A company or team leaders wants to engage their team members. They want to focus on leadership development or have a “fun” team building activity. It’s boring, it’s dreaded and most of all, a waste of valuable time and resources.

Points of You™ offers: experiential training based on any content to inspire, engage, connect and bring together your team, organization or company. Effective sessions not only incorporate our tools in a variety of interactive ways, but they also offer solutions that many leaders are seeking.

We believe that personal growth begins with pausing for reflection. Reflect on yourself. Reflect on your team. How is it actually going for you? Our workshops enable you to take a step back from your daily routine ​and look into the basic elements of life from a different perspective in order to reach some essential insight. To identify weak spots in your organization or unresolved conflicts between employees, it is imperative to pause and assess. What is actually going on from your point of view? It is from this pause that participants identify their actual starting point and what their current challenges, issues or dilemmas are to tackle.

These trainings and workshops are guaranteed to be unique and engaging, a source of inspiration yet also personal and professional growth. Proper follow up is offered long after the session is complete to ensure its effective implications.

Experiencing a Points of You™ workshop for leadership development, team building, sales, etc, leads to breaking down barriers, respecting one another and empowering each team member.  Each session provides an opportunity for open and non-threatening dialogue.

Our workshops are not full of lecturing, powerpoints or name games; they are an experiential process enfolding while seating on cushions, listening to music and experiencing various processes with our tools. Based on photography, participants connect instantly to topics that trigger personal associations, thoughts and insights. Quality dialogue is achieved. Experience effective results in the office that only a strong team can bring.


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